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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/07/24 in all areas

  1. +1 Vixx was a good member of staff prior to him leaving for personal shit. While I understand the whole "reintegrate" with the community shit, I don't think it really holds a point to a long-standing member. Members of staff are supposed to be unbiased; he has a history of staffing on the server nonetheless.
    3 points
  2. Description of the idea: Panzers having different face models for example them not having the basic male 09 faces, and having the old face model, the bald playermodel and the neckbeard model. https://ibb.co/MnS6xfT Why should this be added?: To add more diversity in the panzers and im tired of looking at them and i feel like im just looking at a bunch of clone troopers, the only thing stopping me joining panzers is wearing the same face as everybody else in the panzers, its harder to tell the person considering they all have the 09 male. What negatives could this have?: none and there is more positives then negatives. Additional information: maybe keeping the mustache would be nice.
    1 point
  3. Description of the idea: Previously, the attachment system for the ArcCW weapons the server is currently using was locked behind Frontlines VIP, something that was never really bought in the first place and now no longer exists due to the death of the old website. Why should this be added?: This should be added due to some guns just acting funky without certain attachments. The Thompson comes without a stock, and 20 rounds of .45 acp will just spray out of the gun like a hose on mist with no real sense of accuracy. The reintroduction of attachments would allow for varied play styles and just the fun addition of player led customization. What negatives could this have?: Any buffs caused by attachments are easily countered by their downsides, such as equipping a heavy stock on the Thompson giving you -50% recoil but also slowing you down by 3% and worsening handling by 25%. Overall, I think reintroducing attachments could really improve general player life on the server by allowing for fun customization and slightly more autistic gun min-maxing. Additional information:
    1 point
  4. Steam Name: A guy named_Cj SteamID32: 272049864 Discord Username/ID: aguynamed_cj Time Played (check with !time): 2d 2h 16m (please sky gods have mercy) Basic Information Section Name of Organization: The Commune Number of Members (Minimum of 5, could expand): 9 Type Of Organization (Family, Enterprise, Gang, etc): Political terrorist group Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Japanese, German, etc): German Why should your organization be accepted? [100 words or more]: The civilian RP in Prometheus can get very tiring and boring after a while, which is why I've created the KPD. It can give civilians and even the government more interesting RP experiences, the government could be fighting other people instead of themselves, guarding, patrolling, and setting up checkpoints. The experience I want to bringe is not just so we can kill people, it’s so we can actually do something, rather than what I just stated. Because if you ask regular civilians and enlisted, if they think it’s boring, they will most likely say yes. That is why I believe our group should be approved, thank you for considering us. Provide an example of the unique roleplay your organization will bring to the server: What is the backstory of your organization? [200 words or more]: In an alternate history where Germany emerged victorious from World War I, the Commune took shape as a clandestine revolutionary organization in response to post-war social upheaval and economic disparity. Formed in 1919, the Commune operated underground, espousing Marxist principles and advocating for radical change through direct action and subversion against the state. Led by charismatic leaders versed in Marxist ideology, the Commune attracted disaffected intellectuals, factory workers, and disillusioned veterans. Fueled by grievances over economic inequality and perceived injustices, the party employed tactics ranging from strikes and sabotage to targeted attacks on symbols of capitalist power. Operating in a climate of heightened repression and surveillance, the Commune became labeled as a terrorist group by the government and conservative factions. Despite efforts to suppress them, the Commune persisted, maintaining a decentralized network across urban centers and industrial hubs. Their activities sparked fear among the ruling class and polarized public opinion, shaping the narrative of class struggle in a Germany reshaped by military victory. This alternate history highlights how different geopolitical outcomes could have catalyzed extremist movements and altered the course of European politics in the early 20th century. Notes: N/A
    1 point
  5. Description of the idea: Im generally new to the server and community and i have noticed that there is a lack of civilian roleplay and things to do as a civilian. Here are some of my ideas that can make the civilian life more enjoyable for the average player and some things that can also encourage players to take part in civilian roleplay. Bus Driver The Bus Driver would be able to purchase a small-medium sized bus (not one of those massive busses for obvious reasons) from the commercial car dealer and charge people to drive them around town, this would be a fun job for a lot of people and could be a very enjoyable roleplay experience for both the driver and customer. This will also be a way for new players to learn the map. Tow Truck Driver The Tow Truck Driver would be ab le to purchase a tow truck from the commercial car dealer and charge towing peoples cars. The Tow Truck Driver could either work for the government and move peoples cars who are parked illegally, creating more roleplay for the police as well as they can impound cars and charge the vehicle owner to get it back. The Tow Truck Driver also can obviously work for non state employees by helping people get their cars unstuck, or help a customer in any way even possibly in illegal ways(stealing cars, etc). Delivery Driver The Delivery Driver would work for themselves and work with a npc and pick up packages and drop them off at a specific location. The driver could use any car they want from a commercial truck to a expensive luxury sedan. There is a gmod store addon or obviously you can create it in house. This would be another great way for civilians to make money. This will also be a way for new players to learn the map. Wine Maker The Winemaking System would be a good addition for both civilian roleplay and both industrial roleplay. From civilians being able to become a entrepreneur to grow, make and sell their own wine to large businesses being able to do the same. There are a couple very cool and modern systems out there and i think it would be a very interesting idea to look into. Drugs A suggestion has already been made and accepted but I just want to put it out there of how important this would be for civilians, and both law enforcement. Why should this be added?: These should be added because I believe there is a lack of things to do that the server puts out their for civilians. Apart from fishing there is not many starter things that a player can do. There only choice is fishing to make money or get a job working for a business. There should be some more options out there for players new and old. What negatives could this have?: I personally only see the negatives of time and money being spent on putting some of these ideas into place. Additional information: Just giving my input and some ideas that I think would be a good addition into civilian roleplay, thank you for reading.
    1 point
  6. Hi I like fishing and I think it would be cool if we could cook the fish we catch and if we had more fish. It would make it so more civilians would start fishing and have a place to start if they were new to the game, and it would make more people fish. Thank you Description of the idea: Add cooking and more fish types Why should this be added?: It would make more people fish, which is a starting point for alot of new players and could help civilians not be so mingey. Plus cooking would let healing items become a thing so that poor civilians could get healing without having to beg for medkits. It would also be really good for RP like when events or galas happen What negatives could this have?: People could troll and tell female characters to make them food Additional information: I like fishing so more fish would make me happy -Vanessa
    1 point
  7. Description of the idea: The newly formed 4. Luftlandefähiges Regiment a paratrooper regiment inside the Luftwaffe lacks paratrooper playermodels for those inside the regiment. Why should this be added?: The playermodels should be added as the 4. Luftlandefähiges Regiment is a official regiment inside the Luftwaffe and which it should possess its own playermodels to go along with it. Additionally it should also be added as the paratrooper playermodels would bring in much needed variety to the Luftwaffe as it currently only uses two variants of uniforms that being the regular blue uniform used by the regular Luftwaffe and the grey variant used by the Kreighundekorps. What negatives could this have?: No negatives that can thought of. Additional information: Examples of the playermodels that can be used by the 4. Luftlandefähiges Regiment.
    1 point
  8. Description of the idea: I would like to get the Fahnenjunker rank removed and get the Stabsfeldwebel reinstated as the highest NCO rank, where Hauptfeldwebel would be the title for head NCOs. Why should this be added?: To make the ranks less confusing. What negatives could this have?: Confuse the less experienced players that got used to those ranks. Additional information: It was always this way for past 2 years and I don't understand why it was changed. The weirdest part for me is introduction of Fahnenjunker rank. Why it was introduced as a separate rank? No Heer playermodel has enough rank options to differ Fahnenjunker from Stabsgefreiter. You can't also set the "new" Stabsfeldwebel rank within Heer, because again the playermodels doesn't support enough options, where the ranks would end on "new" Hauptfeldwebel.
    1 point
  9. Introduction Information Section Steam Name: Marshal ( https://steamcommunity.com/id/TheRealMarshal/ ) SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:197057786 Discord Username/ID: the.real.marshal Timezone: EST Age: 19 Time Played (check with !time): Server's down... but its over the required amount. Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): Trusted Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Yes, some say I use it to much. Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: Yes Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: DarkHussar Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): Donzoko, Brownmeiser, Saito, Phoenix, Jack, DarkHussar, Lawson. Basic Information Section IC Character names, ranks, and a brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: Jannik Mueller, Minister of Finance - As Minister of Finance, Jannik Mueller is a member of the Federal Council and oversees the creation of laws for the Empire. As well as the creation of new businesses within the city and the sale of properties. During his tenure as Minister of Finance, he oversaw the creation of the new economy system and re-invented how budgets are allotted and taxes are collected. Felix Köstler, Administrative Police Officer - Felix is a member of the Administration Police within the Landespolizei. His official duties include teaching newer officers evidence collection methods and how to deal with different situations within the city; one of his other major duties is acting as a lawyer and prosecutor or the Landespolizei- He is undefeated. How long have you been roleplaying?: I've played Prometheus for around a year now, but played other similar servers prior, such as Revenant (RIP ) and other niche roleplay servers with 20ppl. Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for, and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: I don't believe so; if so, it's been a while. I have a good understanding of the rules. Staff Knowledge Section What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? I have been staff on several different nutscript servers; including Prometheus, Revenant, Phoenix (Long Gone 40k server) Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]: I believe I should be picked to join the Prometheus Networks Staff Team because my prior experience could be an asset to the team. During my previous tenure on the team, I acted as a reliable source of information to newer members, trying to teach and pass on information on how to deal with different situations within the server. I worked to not only onboard new members to the team but also mentor them so that they could be confident in their abilities. I have been around the server for a while, experiencing most of its factions and positions. This experience has given me a unique look into how most factions run, and I act in accordance with that experience while conducting my duties as staff. With my schedule, I am around throughout the night and at odd hours when staff are less likely to be present; during those times, I will be able to fill in and take tickets. I am very active on the server and have been for a while; I try to be as helpful as possible on and off the server, getting people set up and put in the right direction to enjoy the server. Additionally, I want to join the Game Master team and assist in creating different events and role-play situations for players on the server. I have worked closely with members of the Game Master team through war planning and my work as a Minister, but I want to further that collaboration as a member of the team. Overall, I think my break from the staff team has made me take a different look at the server as a whole. I have been a member of staff since the very moment I joined Prometheus when I transferred from Revenant. I believe I could help the staff team not only due to this previous experience but also all the other qualities I have to offer. What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: The duties and responsibilities of a moderator are pretty simple. Your main duty within the server is to take tickets and moderate the community. This is usually in the form of taking tickets from the players and fixing any of their problems they may have or answering any questions they may pose. Off the server, you are expected to do somewhat of the same on the forums, taking an active role in communicating with the community and answering any appeals, important threads, or topics that might appear. As a staff, you are held to a higher standard than the normal player, and that includes your behavior in and out of the server. It is your responsibility to carry yourself with a good demeanor and walk into every situation with the understanding that your actions reflect the community at large. Of course, this can change as you go up the ranks within the team, with the assumption of more responsibility or duties as they may be assigned or requested, but having this understanding is the bare minimum. Notes:
    1 point
  10. Haven't been around since last summer, glad the community was reborn and active as ever. Been having fun these last couple days!
    1 point
  11. Hi Regis. I'm glad to see you appeal your ban. Everyone involved in that failed server are extremely repentant of their actions, Regis included. We all understand the severity of breaching a global rule however I feel Regis wants to put this mistake behind him and move forward. Good luck on your ban appeal and a thank you to Virus for allowing Regis to appeal. +1 Gendarmerie bros for life...
    1 point
  12. Hi Mical Going to agree with Vixx, bad idea and suggestion. If you wanted to get promoted show that your able bodied enough and are worthy of the promotion, requesting a promotion just pisses me off and is disrespectful. -1 - Sinex
    1 point
  13. 13. Ordered to be executed by a General Officer [PK] in this case you where derived to Generalmajor Norman D. Baker from feld where he ordered you to be executed for more information refeer here: https://wiki.prn.gg/wiki/PK_Guidelines
    1 point
  14. Thank you. I appreciate the sentiment.
    1 point
  15. Hi SomePerson Seems like you've come to terms on what your actions how they affected you, You've also had the time to reflect on what you did wrong. If my opinion matters which I don't think it does, I reckon giving you a second chance would be awesome. Even so your ban being permanent makes it a bigger wall to climb, if by some miracle you do get unbanned it would be nice to see you around the server and contributing good likes rather than bad. - Sinex Neutral
    1 point
  16. Former staff and was pretty good at what he did. So like uhh...give him a staff stick please +1
    1 point
  17. +1 We've had a lack of criminal drama in the server recently (mainly just faction vs faction), and I think this would be a great addition to provide more fun for more people.
    1 point
  18. +1 Well why do we have camo for the Heer's stalhelm? It could very easily be a good way to exercise and such
    1 point
  19. +1 I think we need resistance groups so that the army and police have someone to fight and that civs can do fun stuff
    1 point
  20. Accepted. Ensure next time you don't break FearRP when being surrounded by 20 people. Consider this a warning. You have been unPKd.
    1 point
  21. +1 could be an interesting group
    1 point
  22. Yea we've just completed an RP event today, we've been doing minor kidnappings and robbing's, we've been going under the name "Commune" (But some people have stolen the name so they can minge)
    1 point
  23. +1 Like the idea and would add to the overall political environment going around right now. Haven't really seen or heard a lot about you guys though, hopefully just because you are 'secret' organization.
    1 point
  24. +1 Known this guy a long time, he's pretty serious
    1 point
  25. You forgot to add a value into the "time played" section, fill that out before hound outright denies you for it. +1
    1 point
  26. -1 Useless mechanic, options are avaliable for CO's to open tickets and request promotions. Leave it as is, means Staff have tickets and keeps the current process streamlined.
    1 point
  27. +1 A Official Communist Group Would Be Very Fun to Have
    1 point
  28. I am part of both wannabe orgs but Batty's org did very little communication and very few members. This group is way more active with at least 5 of them being on during peak server hours and is rapidly expanding.
    1 point
  29. Decent but I honestly prefer Batty’s crim org and these two feel very similar. Neutral on this for now. Edit: +1 since Batty’s got denied and this shows promise as well
    1 point
  30. Denied Lackluster apology, also you've been banned before for using aim bot on the server. Try again next time.
    1 point
  31. you can have the CO say something along the lines: "Hi, this is *CO name*, and I'm promoting this guy *enlisted name* to *rank*" after that, have the enlisted screenshot that message and boom, have him make a ticket in-game and show the screenshot as proof you can also do the same for discord if the co isn't able to get on
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. Good ideas, I like the wine-making one. Something kinda like moonshiner job on darkrp would be fun.
    1 point
  34. This idea could already work, we have some vehicles similar to busses that could fit a good amount of people. All you need to do is fish a bit, buy it and then start charging people to ride. The Landespolizei already does this, I don't think berlin needs civilians fucking around with tow trucks towing everyone's cars. We already have a whole system and faction for this, it just needs to be coded in again, if we decide to bring it back. This one is easy to accomplish with just a little fishing, you rent a property, get your K.A.G ID and business established from a member of K.A.G staff and then you reach out to Upper Administration using our ticket support system to get a free vendor including all foods and drinks. Drugs will be brought back eventually, just be patient.
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Hello 'Prometheus Steals Content'. "Everyone is allowed to use addons you upload - Steam Workshop is not your personal file hosting, it is a distribution service for user generated content. By uploading your addons to Steam Workshop you agree that anyone can download and use your uploaded content. Things like "you are not allowed to use this addon on your server" or "this was made for only this server" are not permitted on Steam Workshop. Adding code (or entities on your maps, etc.) that would discourage or prevent players from being able to use your addon on their servers or in singleplayer falls into the "Malicious Code" category." Learn to read.
    1 point
  37. I unhid your post as it was hidden by a UA member. We have nothing to hide here. The item on Steam had listed in the description, "I have given up on this project feel free to use it as you wish." The description was since changed as you realized a server with numbers was using it and sought to strong arm me into something. It's moronic, and it will go nowhere. You're a do nothing nobody loser. And I have nothing to hide from my community. Can't wait to see you using all of my models and assets! Eat my nuts troglodyte retard!
    1 point
  38. Crybaby, what an interesting username
    1 point
  39. Hi. "Frontline VIP" does not exist anymore, and even if you had it, you'd be unable to use attachments as we don't have them in circulation in the server right now. This is something the UA team is still discussing.
    1 point

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