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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/19/24 in all areas

  1. Description of the idea: Panzers having different face models for example them not having the basic male 09 faces, and having the old face model, the bald playermodel and the neckbeard model. https://ibb.co/MnS6xfT Why should this be added?: To add more diversity in the panzers and im tired of looking at them and i feel like im just looking at a bunch of clone troopers, the only thing stopping me joining panzers is wearing the same face as everybody else in the panzers, its harder to tell the person considering they all have the 09 male. What negatives could this have?: none and there is more positives then negatives. Additional information: maybe keeping the mustache would be nice.
    1 point
  2. would you or would you not wanted night time added, i want to know what people honestly think. Think about it, night time, a curfew being added, and Intelligence agency pulling covert operations in the night, doesnt that sound cool?
    1 point
  3. +1 I have worked with Michael within the VW and feel like he is a reliable person who would be suited for the rank of Trusted.
    1 point
  4. +1 I donโ€™t see why not.
    1 point
  5. Shortened to two weeks If you needed to leave for any reason, you should have said that to staff at the time. If there was no significant roleplay occurring for a while, you should have also stated this to staff. Instead you lost your temper with them and deleted the character in frustration and sheer avoidance of all roleplay. However, seeing as this is your first offence and have accepted some level of your own fault, the ban will be shorted. The ban will remain on record and your other character will remain PKd. Take this time as a mental break and a chance to reflect on the rules.
    1 point
  6. Hi! I was the Staff Member who banned you! First off, please reformat your SteamID32 as this is the wrong format. Going on about the Appeal: Generally, in the Pantheon Button room, there is a very BIG WALL OF TEXT (https://gyazo.com/5ffdc6a8a32fafeb9744ea49fe6506fb) that states that you will be punished severely if you were to use them without authorization, so the "there was no warning or anything about the buttons" is a lie. The sounds can be heard across the entire Map and, as such, are punished accordingly. In terms of the "accomplice", I tried to find the second guy, but I couldn't triangulate it in the Logs properly. It is always recommended to see and look at the surrounding if there are any warnings e.t.c plastered near a Area. This signifies if a area or "button" is something that staff usually flock to like hounds and immediately act upon. I checked and you are indeed a new player so i'd agree to at least lower it down to a day. P.S, if you COULD remember who was the second person, i'd be massively thankful if you find out and provide the name to me or another member of staff! Thanks and good luck on the Appeal!
    1 point
  7. Hi deformedcat Yeah the panzers faces look like they've gone through surgery and got botched. Sound idea and good suggestion. Really hope to see this. +1 - Sinex
    1 point

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