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Everything posted by Coffee

  1. Coffee

    Ban Appeal

  2. Denied. You were PK'd under the PK guideline: "On the orders of Feldmarschall, Innenminister, Vizekanzler, Konsul, Kanzler, Prinzregent, Kaiser [PK]" From what I have been told multiple high ranking generals confirmed that you were ratting on your own department and for this you faced the consequences.
  3. Coffee

    Hitori's PK appeal

    Denied. I have reviewed the clip of this situation and you were placed under fear RP and you were given orders to follow the person who was kidnapping you. You decided to run away while you were under fear RP therefore putting you under the PK guideline "Dying after initiating a shoot-out".
  4. Hello I was the staff member who approved the PK. Let me go through your reasons and provide a response. "1. Reason: When he told me to stop calling for backup on the radio, I stopped and I listened. So I did not break FearPR." You were under gunpoint which means you are under fear RP and whilst you were under fear RP you radio'd in for backup therefore you did break Fear RP. "2. Reason: They kept saying you are under FearRP in character and they said it several times. This invalidates the RP situations as it mentions things in OOC context. Therefore the FrearRP situation is invalid." The guy said "You are under Fear RP" literally once that does not then exempt you from fear RP. "3. Reason: Under the "How to Conduct a Permanent-Kill" under line 3 it says the following: "Roleplay properly while conducting the PK." You were roleplayed with properly just because someone said "You are under Fear RP" once does not mean you were not roleplayed with properly. "There was no RP reason to execute me just because there was military coming towards the bank." Firstly you radio'd in for backup whilst you were under fear RP which then caused a large group of military members to storm down to the bank and start chasing down these members of the NSB and when you were in cuffs and being dragged to the MOI you made an advertisement whilst you were in cuffs which is Fail RP and you can also be PK'd for making an advertisement whilst in cuffs depending on what the advertisement is. In this case you advertised "I'm at the bank they are heading to the bank" which in this case put those NSB members at a large risk. "4. Reason: I was already restrained and being dragged away, and the NSB member refused to deal with the apparent situation in character,of possibly military men approaching from far, by shooting me in the head. I had no way to fight back as I was bound so it wasn't breaking FearRP either." You were shot because of the following reasons: 1. You radio'd in for backup whilst you were under fear RP. 2. You caused a large group of military members to storm down to the bank and start chasing down these members of the NSB in an attempt to arrest them. 3. When you were in cuffs and being dragged to the MOI you made an advertisement which endangered those members of the NSB. I completely agree with what those members of the NSB did by shooting you while you made the advertisement and considering that you had already been given the chance to live when you were breaking fear RP yet you continued. "5. Reason: Under the PK Guidelines sections three and four it says the following: "3. Not using PKs as a LAST resort." These PK guidelines mostly rely on context of the situation I see this as a last resort as you were again given the chance to live after you broke Fear RP by radioing in the whole Military that you were being kidnapped then after you were in cuffs you made an advertisement so I see that as a last resort you was given the chance to stop and again you continued. Now for "4. Attempt to resolve the matter using other means which don't involve PKing first, unless it is deemed impossible, and agreed upon by the approving staff member."" It's the same point I just made they tried to resolve the matter by not shooting you and just arresting you but when you were in cuffs you made an advertisement. Overall I believe that this PK was fair and if you did not radio in for backup while under fear RP and make an advertisement while you were cuffed this whole situation would of been avoided completely. It's your own actions which lead to you getting PK'd.
  5. Jack's response to this suggestion is a perfect response which summarises everything. More civilian RP, things to do as a civilian and civilian Jobs will be added soon in the next few updates.
  6. Denied. This is not necessary if people want to abuse their props they will have their prop perms taken away from them. It's rare that players abuse their prop perms considering they paid real money to have prop perms.
  7. Denied. This is not necessary. Remember on the server it's the year 1940 In Berlin Germany. The Military are stationed inside of the ICC in Berlin it would not make sense to have all these foreign divisions In Berlin.
  8. The DRK has never been that much of an active faction for this to be necessary. The current DRK uniforms are fine and stand out, it's very clear who the DRK are when you see them in game.
  9. Denied. You have three prop related infractions in the past four days. You clearly have not learned your lesson to stop since your first infraction for prop abuse. You may make a new appeal in three weeks.
  10. I have reviewed the clips and I do not see any form of harassment or racism directly towards you here. Just because you do not like the roleplay situation you are in does not give you the right to just leave the server as the moment you were arrested by these people you just left the server. Everything that these people in the clip said to you was said in character whilst they were roleplaying. If this was said to you oocly then it's a different story but it was not said oocly it was said to you in roleplay. If you felt as if you were actually harassed then you should of made a ticket and staff would of dealt with the situation.
  11. Denied. The PK guideline you fell under was "Being killed while not abiding by Fear-RP". In the clip provided you were given so many chances to stop and comply with the players who had you under fear RP. You decided to not comply while under fear RP and even asked to be shot as you thought that would get you out of that situation. Then you pulled your gun out while you were under fear RP and died. Also to answer your question there is no rules on who can arrest people and who cant arrest people anybody regardless of their faction / job can arrest someone.
  12. Denied. You had multiple players surrounding you and pointing guns at you and you decided to radio in for backup whilst you were under gunpoint. This is a clear fear RP PK in my eyes.
  13. Hello I was the staff member who issued the PK. You were PK'd under the PK guideline: "Being killed while not abiding by Fear-RP" Here is the clip of the situation: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/im64OkNnAjDA8Bj8N/d1337TxDpxP0?invite=cr-MSx5SzksMjAyOTcyNTEwLA After this happened I brought you to a staff sit and explained to you that your character would be PK'd under the PK guideline "Being killed while not abiding by Fear-RP" and that if you think this PK is unfair you can appeal it on the forums.
  14. Please follow the Ban appeal template or this will be denied.
  15. Hello I was the staff member who issued this PK. The PK guideline you fell under was "Being killed while not abiding by Fear-RP" For this situation you killed a member of the Lapo for killing one of your officers which is completely fair. Then two members of the Military attempted to detain you for doing so and both had their guns pointed at you whilst your weapon "was on safety" which from the clip provided it seems to me you put your gun away but even if your gun was on safety you were outnumbered and if you did not draw your weapon or unsafety your pistol whilst you were outnumbered and had guns in your face you would of not died in this situation. Also the rule "If you are actively holding a weapon in your hand, FearRP does not apply and you may retaliate (even if it is on safety, E+R)" Depends on context of the situation if it was just a one on one where one player is holding another player under gunpoint whilst the other player has his weapon is on safety then sure this rule would most certainly apply. But in this situation you were outnumbered and decided to draw your pistol which directly lead to your death.
  16. Please put a normal title for your flag appeal or this will be denied.
  17. Please make this readable and fix the colours.
  18. Accepted. After a conversation about the situation with you in a staff sit and after checking the logs I did manage to confirm that the person who requested the PK had been breaking NLR multiple times and kept returning to the ICC.
  19. Denied. This ban was the correct decision and was justified. I'll also make it very clear that the next infraction / ban you receive will result in you being permanently banned. You have received 9 notes and 12 bans this year already...
  20. Coffee

    Ban Appeal

    Your ban is expired. This did not seem like a mistake to me so this ban will not be removed from your record.
  21. Coffee

    Ban Appeal

    Denied. If you are not going to write your own appeal and use AI to write it for you then don't bother making an appeal at all. You can make a new ban appeal in 2 weeks. https://imgur.com/a/85HRTrW
  22. I'd like to make it clear I helped De Spi make his staff application and I can confirm that he did not use AI to create his staff application. The reason some of his text is being flagged as AI is because he used Grammarly to help with the punctuation on his staff application.
  23. Please follow the staff application template or this staff application will be denied.
  24. Coffee

    Ban Appeal

    From checking the logs it shows that you killed 2 people and one of those people you killed twice within a two minute period Then about 10 minutes after you had killed these two players you were banned. https://imgur.com/a/21WeO7X https://imgur.com/lrsHGu7 This does not seem like a mistake to me unless you could provide a valid reason as to why you killed those 2 people right before your ban.
  25. Coffee


    Denied. You can make a new ban appeal in 2 weeks and you can explain the real reason you were banned.

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