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Head Administrator
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Everything posted by Coffee

  1. You were unbanned a few days ago.
  2. Coffee

    PK appeal

    Denied. From reviewing the clip this is exactly what happened... This makes you fall under the PK guideline: Being killed while not abiding by Fear-RP [PK]
  3. I think what you are looking for is to join the Ministry of Procurement and be involved with war planning. This can all be done through roleplay currently. I'd recommend getting in contact with the procurement minister, the chief of war planning or any high ranking member of those departments to arrange this.
  4. Denied. I've seen that since you returned from your perma ban, you have not received any infractions. But I'd like to see you go at least another month or two without any infractions before I consider accepting this application.
  5. Drugs will be added back soon.
  6. Coffee

    Lector Muller's PK

    Denied. So to start off with the rule: 8. If you are actively holding a weapon in your hand, FearRP does not apply and you may retaliate (even if it is on safety, E+R) This rule mostly depends on the context of the situation. For example, if one person is holding you under fear RP while your weapon is on safety, you won't fall under fear RP. But in the clip provided, you can see four police officers surrounding you in a prisoner diamond, with three of them pointing guns at you and trying to arrest you. In that situation, having your gun out on safety would not exempt you from fear RP at that point if that was your way of thinking when going into situations that is more rule playing than roleplaying. Using your radio while you are under fear RP is breaking fear RP, and in this situation, you broke fear RP and you died. This makes you fall under the PK guideline: Being killed while not abiding by Fear-RP
  7. Coffee

    PK appeal

    Denied. You were surrounded by four police officers, with two of them pointing their guns at you. These police officers attempted to arrest you for disrespecting a General ranking officer. They gave you a clear order not to move while you were under fear RP. You decided not to abide by fear RP and show clear disregard for your life by punching the police officers who were aiming guns at you. You fell under the PK guideline: Being killed while not abiding by Fear-RP
  8. Denied. You can make a new ban appeal in two weeks.
  9. Coffee

    Perm Appeal

    AI generated... You can make a new ban appeal in two weeks.
  10. Denied. You broke fear RP and you died. That makes you fall under the PK guideline: Being killed while not abiding by Fear-RP Upon reviewing the clip, you can clearly see that you were given more than enough time to comply with the demands of the two players who were pointing guns at you and repeatedly telling you, "Don't move" "You are being detained" Instead, you failed to comply with the two players who were trying to arrest you and had you under fear RP and as a result, you died. Also, before you were shot, you started saying, "Feel free, go ahead and shoot me... oh no" showing a complete disregard for your life. I'd recommend reading the PK guidelines if you'd like to avoid situations like this in the future.
  11. @King Leonidas I'm going to give you two days to respond to the question that Slug asked you. If you do not respond within two days, I'm going to deny this ban appeal.
  12. Denied. You left the server willingly to attempt to get out of being arrested as proved by the logs. You left the server and tried to join again about 11 minutes later, which makes your intentions even more obvious. This ban was the correct decision.
  13. Hello, I was the staff member who banned you. The reasoning for your ban was because you got into a vehicle and ran over a bunch of military members who were standing in line waiting for the Kriegsmarschall at the Kaiser guard base. As soon as you did this, you were killed. You then respawned and left the server immediately to avoid punishment for what you did. Your actions caused a big disruption to the actual roleplay that was going on. Firstly, I doubt that two to three "higher ranking policemen" were egging you on to mass VDM, and even if that were the case, that does not make it acceptable to do what you did. What you should have done is clipped the situation, made a ticket for staff, and said in your ticket that "these guys are trying to get me to break the rules and threatening to remove me from my faction if I don't break the rules. I have proof too." Then the situation would of been handled by a member of staff, and this entire situation would have been completely avoided. Your game did not crash here is proof: https://imgur.com/a/Nk6MLIQ You did not know that there is a rule that prevents players from mass killing other players with vehicles? I'm also certain that a member of staff did not tell you there was no VDM rule. NITRP, because how is just running over a bunch of people who are waiting for a ceremony where Generals and National High Command are present, then leaving the server as soon as you run everyone over and die roleplay? That's just you ruining roleplay for everyone else who was waiting to be rewarded by their Generals for the hours of fighting they had just done. ... During your ban, I'd recommend reading over the rules and getting a full understanding of them. Another member of Upper Administration will decide the verdict of your ban appeal soon.
  14. Coffee


    https://imgur.com/a/L6pXraL This is probably not the best thing to say to the Kaiser guard chief... Also, you did not get PK'd for just insulting someone. Please read over xRanger's response to this PK appeal again. You will understand why you were PK'd once you properly read over xRanger's response, he provides an excellent explanation as to why you were PK'd.
  15. Denied. According to you, this was meant to be both a dispute and an apology, yet I don't see where the apology is in your ban appeal. All I see is you admitting to breaking the rules. If you think another player is breaking the rules, clip the situation and make a ticket, and it will be handled by a member of staff. What you did wrong is that you took the situation into your own hands and ended up breaking the rules yourself, which led to your ban. You have POs and a lot of bans, you have been playing on the server for long enough to know and understand the rules, but it seems like you don't want to follow the rules. I'd recommend reading over the rules during your ban.
  16. Accepted. When you are next in game make a ticket requesting for a member of UA to unblacklist your flags.
  17. Coffee

    PK appeal

    Denied. You failed to abide by fear RP and you died. You also started a gun fight and died. This makes you fall under the PK guidelines: Being killed while not abiding by Fear-RP [PK] Dying after initiating a shoot-out You were given more than enough time to comply with the seven to eight police officers who were surrounding you, pointing guns at you and attempting to arrest you. Overall Oblivionist's response perfectly explains the entire situation. I'd recommend reading the PK guidelines if you want to avoid situations like this in the future.
  18. You are a moderator now. But if you were to no longer be a member of staff, you would be given the trusted role. But only if you still have high ranking characters that would actually utilise the trusted role.
  19. Denied. You can make a new ban appeal in two weeks. For your next ban appeal, I'd recommend just writing an apology.
  20. Denied. You fell under the PK guidelines: 11. Being tried and convicted in a legal court system within proper jurisdiction, and being sentenced to death [PK] 12. The punishment must fit the crime. You cannot sentence someone to death for minor offenses; ie. not saluting [PK] Your were found guilty on the charges: Sedition Gross Incompetence Evading Arrest Attempted Murder in the Second Degree on a Government Official Contempt towards Government Officials Obstructing Official Duties Subversion of the War Effort Disorderly Conduct near a Government Building You made the decision to plead guilty on all charges. This PK was fair and justified.
  21. Denied. You could have of just been honest, owned up and apologised for the RDM and I would have accepted your appeal. Instead, you have tried to come up with a ridiculous excuse for the RDM. There were no members of the NSB inside the military base and there was not even raid happening at the time.
  22. Denied. Don't even bother making another ban appeal we don't need people like you in our community.

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